Check out our answers to frequently asked questions before requesting info.

What is Fuego Unlimited?

Fuego Unlimited is a creative agency that executes the company’s three embers (representing the different business units) including Events, Marketing and Management.

What are Fuego Unlimited events?

Club Fuego is the flagship DJ driven night club. It ignites the sensational atmosphere of L.A. nightlife with its official grand opening to the public in December 2022. Please stay tuned for info on admission to future events in 2023 and third party co-branded events.

How can I get involved with Fuego Unlimited?

Become a brand ambassador: We’re always looking to expand our network of ambassadors to help promote and assist at our branded events and supporting our clients and their creative vision. There are several perks for getting involved this way from free admission, free merchandise and memorabilia, admission to artist shows, and artist experiences.

Become part of the Fuego Unlimited Creative Agency Network: If you are a work-for-hire professional in the entertainment industry we’d love to hear what services you provide and your level of experience.. Please send a link to your portfolio of work when initially reaching out. We’ll add you to our database and update you on potential collaborations in the future. We are also happy to guide you to some other creative professionals that we work with on a day-to-day basis.

Internships: Effective Fall 2022 we have paused our internship program; however we plan to relaunch it in Summer or Fall 2023. College students may check back mid 2023 for updates.

Fuego Unlimited Marketing Services: Thank you for your interest; however we are very fortunate to say we are currently at a comfortable capacity on marketing clients we are working within the rock genre of music and nonprofits organizations. We’re exploring expanding our staff to help fuel this business unit in the foreseeable future but there is no particular set timeline. You are still encouraged to reach out with your marketing support needs and we are always happy to refer you to some of our trusted partners offering services you may be looking for. We believe the entertainment industry should help support each other and will do our best to support you.

Fuego Unlimited Management: If you are a content creator looking for management representation we’d love to talk to you to see if we’re a good fit. This industry has been exploding in growth over the last year and we believe there are other ways we can work with content creators without the commitment of management representation – we work with clients also looking for creator partnerships and may have something for you.